Experts opinion on how men are affected by sex abstinence. Today there are more and more men and women choose loneliness – more precisely, life out of couple. Besides, many modern men do not wish to enter not only a serious relationship, but also intimate. About what happens to men without sex we talked to the psychologist Katy Pinkett.
The answer to a question that happens to the man when it long without relationship and sex, depends first of all on the fact what the man is. Yes, it is unconditional, men in some plan experience loneliness more difficult, than women. They have a need to care for the darling, and they want that cared for them. But it is possible to get used to loneliness. The man can quite learn to care for himself, even to prepare if he was not able to do it earlier. As practice shows, the man without woman can achieve great success in a cooking field. They not less women are interested in interesting recipes of dishes, salt cucumbers, prepare dainties, cook the most various soups and derive from it pleasure.
Other men, having been left without lady, completely go to work or business and try to obtain progress there. Many, like women, think of weight loss, start going to the gym, go on a diet, go to jogs in the mornings or play football. They spend free time exempted from creation of a relationship on realization of and achievement of the purposes – become stronger in every sense than this word.
There is also such category of representatives of a strong half of mankind who, having remained alone, reinterpret the life and the previous relationship and understand that acting through the former ladylove lost something very valuable. These men use the efforts to return the former darling, and sometimes try to obtain on this soil of a certain progress.
Sex is important for an organism at the physical and psychological levels. Here therefore his absence anyway, but will influence activity of an organism.
1. Search of Alternative
The big city is stresses, a depression and fatigue. In such rhythm we are forced to look for constantly for ourselves what can give happiness and pleasure. And if scientifically to be expressed – a source of endorphins and dopamine. At the time of an orgasm the whole cocktail of hormones which bring us that feeling of happiness and pleasure is thrown out blood. A lot of modern men are looking for sex on the internet these days. They seek to buy love from cam girls because it’s the easy way to have an orgasm. In fact it all it takes is just go online and chat a little bit with the girl and then buy credits for private webcam show and next – it’s all in his hands, literally.
2. Decrease in Immunity
At the time of an orgasm, blood turns into the real hormonal cocktail which rejuvenates all cages of an organism and even “repairs” the “broken” and weak cages. Result: decreases actions of harmful factors on an organism. The immunity can decrease, but the person will feel it benign.
3. Deterioration Dream

Endorphins which are naturally emitted in the course of sex bring closer to a condition of euphoria. And it promotes full relaxation of a body. Hormone oxytocin which is released as a result of an orgasm, causes pleasant drowsiness, doing a dream to deeper.